About me
- My name is 小池悠生(Yuki Koike).
- I graduated from Nada High School.
- I’m an undergraduate at University of Tsukuba
- I’m the leader of CTF team binja.
- Also I’m a member of fuzzi3, EpsilonDelta, and scryptos.
- Computer Security(especially Exploitation)
- Algorithm
- Machine Learning(especially Deep Learning)
- ICPC World Finals 2019 21th
- DEF CON CTF 2018 Finals 8th
- Google CTF 2017 Finals 4th
- DEF CON CTF 2016 Finals 8th
- The 15th Japanese Olympiad in Informatics Performance Award
- CSAW CTF 2015 Quals 1st(High School)
- CODEGATE CTF 2015 Junior 1st
- The 14th Japanese Olympiad in Informatics Performance Award
- SECCON CTF 2014 Quals 2nd
- CSAW CTF 2014 Quals 1st(High School)
- DEF CON CTF 2014 Finals 13th
- SECUINSIDE CTF 2014 Finals 4th
Twitter: hugeh0ge
E-Mail: s1711361@s.tsukuba.ac.jp