
Today's solved


CodeForces #114 Div.1 B Wizards abd Huge Prize

  • Good DP Problem. It would get buggy easily. Make sure to define the recurrence equation accurately and not to misread the problem sentence.
  • solution

CodeForces #121 Div.1 E Thwarting Demonstrations

POJ 1113 Wall

POJ 3246 Game

  • This problem is bad. It has too weak testcases since my solution should not be passed(O(n^(5/3)logn)). The essence is how to calculate differences smartly.
  • solution

Today's solved


CodeForces #109 Div.1 C Double Profiles

POJ 1759 Garland

  • Straightforward. But floating-point is fearful.
  • solution

POJ 2100 Graveyard Design

  • Just Do It. But since on POJ, you can’t use O(NlogN) methods like binary search. Use Inchworm Method(I don’t how to say in English. Is this correct?).
  • solution

CodeForces #119 Div.1 C Weak Memory and Aizu Online Judge 1150 Cliff Climbing

  • Easy. Remember Single-Source Shortest Path problem on unweighted graph can be solved by Breadth First Search. In some cases, it could be faster than dijkstra.
  • solution
  • solution

POJ 3180 The Cow Prom

  • READING HARD. Why don’t you describe in simple words, simple sentences?? Just Strongly Connected Component algorithm.
  • solution

POJ 1180 Batch Scheduling

  • A bit easy. But this is a good example of convex hull tric on DP.
  • solution